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Making friends in a New City

Making friends in a New City

I guess this should be second nature to me by now…. since making big moves are like....... my thing. But that does not in anyway mean that I’m a natural at it. Which is exactly why I thought I should share whatever little I knew about it.

I think one of the most effective ways to meeting and making friends in a new place is by attending day time events. This is kind of new to me too. I never did these before coming to the UK. But I have to say that when you choose an event to attend, it would be related to something that you are passionate about and the others there would also be sharing the same interest and Tada!!!!! Theres always something to talk about…. and that means way more conversation and way less weirdness.

Kind of close to the events one, is attending classes and clubs. Yoga, dance, arts ( my colleague takes a pottery class :) and I find it super cool ), martial arts…. well basically anything that challenges you and helps you have a good time with others. These help form bonds easily as again there are easy avenues for small talk.

Neighbours! They are the easiest to be friends with. They live very near, you keep meeting them often and well lets face it, its way better to be friends with them rather than not. So, hang out with your neighbours, and test the waters, most often it works out in our favour.

A very important tip! Be your own person. Be yourself. Prioritise yourself. Do not change yourself just to seem like a better fit for someone else. That always makes you seem like a cool person to hang out with.

Finally, be open. Give everyone a chance. Be friendly and not judgemental. Try not to make others feel lesser than you and its very difficult not to be a people magnet. :)

I hope this helps you the next time you move to a new place! If you feel like I left something out, feel free to add it in the comments section below.

Until next time,



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