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Its a guy-girl thing : Travelling

I just wrapped up a magnificent European tour and I know that I have an essay I should be writing very very soon ( like ASAP ) but its been so long since I SkatterbrainNed, I just had to.

Oh so much to write about guys, but I have really got to pick and choose today ( because the essay calls for some work... hehe ). I could write about the countries I visited but you would have already read similar stuff on other blogs. So let me write about something else right now and see where it takes us.

The difference between girl and guy travel buddies...... It is very interesting to see how girls and guys behave differently. The same applies to when they travel. Especially because they are put in vulnerable situations more often, which brings out their truest responses.

Let me begin right from the start….. the luggage. Now us girls, we take packing very very seriously. I mean I travelled through Europe with my pillow packed in ( and I was the girl with the smallest suitcase ). So there are the girls who come in with suitcases bigger than their little cars could hold and multiple handbags of varying sizes ( uummmm for makeup, laptop, hair stylers, etc etc ). And then there are the guys…… (long pause)….. who come with a backpack and their passport wallet. I have a few questions…. Where are your clothes? Where did you fit your shoes? toiletries? towels? coats? chargers? everything else….????? But I think this is a good balance because once I started shopping, I had lots of space to fit my new stuff in…..( their bags of course!!! )

Another striking difference was what I would call clique-ness. Girls are experts at this. Formation of small tightly bound girl groups which allows none to enter or exit and gives anyone who tries to intrude, the death stare, is something that comes naturally to most girls. But guys are more relaxed in this perspective. They hang out with whoever and whatever wants the same stuff done on that particular day.

Girls may hog the mirror and bathroom time but we are equipped with superior time management skills that allow us to set up shifts and rotations so that everyone gets their fair share of bathroom time and space, be it an early winter morning or a busy evening before Hofbrauhaus night. Guys take hardly any time at all in the bathroom but I still always saw atleast one guy queueing in front of the bathroom swearing at his friend to get out ( poor poor time management ).

Guys want to see the football arenas, car shops, racing boxes, video game centres and everything possibly boyish about the new place you are visiting. Girls want to see the museums, cafes, theatres, parks and shops ( and sometimes even universities, hehe Ran Zhan ;) ). I personally found guys to be better companions at amusement parks but when it comes to shopping….. especially in the romantic Champs-Elysées in Paris, please go with your girlfriends…. it is too perfect for your guy friends to be around, rushing you through the shops ( Wy, Franck and Fred…. this is NOT about you guys! ;) ).

Something that everyone enjoys equally whether boy or girl? Partying!!!!! Now this is our truce ground, where we are all equals, dancing, raving, loving, living and celebrating life. And it stays the same whichever country we go to, whoever we are with and whatever we like or dislike.

Having said all of that, whether you are a guy or a girl, I think it important to spend some quality time experiencing your journey just by yourself. This is where you see yourself, you help grow yourself and you add a lot to your personal strengths. I say this from experience. Some of the most beautiful moments of your travel happen almost serendipitously when you are taking that lone stroll near the perfectly serene riverside during a picture perfect sunset.

If you have noticed some interesting guy-girl differences during your travels, share it in the comments below and lets try and spin in into another post ;) Also, if you would like more guy-girl posts, let me know :)

Until next time.



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