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5 Simple Stress Solvers


Stress really kicks our asses. I mean it literally takes us from hero to zero in just seconds, which is completely unfair ( like we do not have enough else to worry about! ).

I was the brand ambassador for stress. Trust me! I used to feed my stress with everything in my life so that it grew into a chubby little pet dog that followed me around EVERYWHERE! I was stressed about exams, presentations, my dance recitals and even travel and partying!

Loooong story short, I decided to fight back. I wanted to filter away the stress in my life and take it easy. ( One of The Best decisions ever ❤︎ and all thanks to Dr Sara Gottfried's work on BioHacking ). Since then I have not felt like every morning was a chore to get over with, instead I started embracing life with happiness. I stopped panicking myself into health problems and put all my energy into constructive thinking ( SkatterbrainN being one of the results of this ).

I love you all ❤︎ and I want everyone to get the best out of their lives and so I am sharing five ways in which anybody can relieve themselves off stress and get back on track. Here you go :

❤︎ Sleep well :

You need more than eight hours of sleep for your body to completely repair and prepare itself for the next day. The lesser the sleep, the higher your cortisol level and the higher your stress. The higher your stress, the lesser you sleep. Its a mean cycle so get out of it right now!

❤︎ Dark Chocolate :

A yummy way to de-stress. But remember its dark chocolate not milk chocolate. Try and get ones which has the least amount of sugar in them. It is also really good for your skin as its filled with anti-oxidants.

❤︎ Omega-3 :

This is a supplement that I swear by. It was my saviour through grad school while I was super stressed with a million deadlines. It helps with regulating your cortisol which in turn just smoothes out your stress pattern.

❤︎ Music :

This one is kind of apparent but just in case you had any doubts, it is also scientifically proven. So whenever stress sets in, bust it with a blast of your favourite music.

❤︎ Vegetables :

Make sure you include a lot of different coloured veggies in your diet. Cut back on all of that white stuff and switch to brown. Try it for a week and you will definitely feel the difference.

These are my five ways to bust out stress. They work really well. But there are a few more really potent ones which I use during times of ultimate distress. If you would like to read about them, just leave a comment at the bottom of the post. Wishing you a wonderful day !



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